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Russian Journal of Biological Invasions

2010, issue № 4


The fourth issue of the Russian Journal of Biological Invasions, 2010, represents nine articles, in which the questions on introduction and distribution of alien species in the regions of Russia are considered. The paper of Borisova E.A. examines the peculiarities of spreading of invasive plant species throughout the territory of the Upper Volga Region, including 5 administrative districts: Invanovskaya, Kostromskaya, Vladimirskaya, Yaroslavskaya and Tverskaya. The article of Zarubina E.Yu. and Sokolova M.I. shows the data on long-term changes in populations of the species-invader Vallisneria spiralis in the basin-cooler of the Belovskaya hydroelectric power station. Large-scale invasion of Marenzelleria spp. (Polychaeta, Spyonidae) in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland is presented in the paper of Maximov A.A. The article of Zinchenko T.D. gives an analysis of research results of long-term biomass dynamics and distribution of the species-invades polychaeta Hediste diversicolor and mollusk Abra ovata in the eastern and western regions of the Northern Caspian Sea during the period of the sea transgression (1978–2007). The study results of quantitative and qualitative composition of phytoplankton from the ballast waters of the tanker «Minotaur», plying on the Russian-Chinese line between the ports Vladivostok (the Sea of Japan) and Lonkow and Laijow (the Yellow Sea), are presented in the paper of Morozova et al. Comparative analysis of invasion fractions of the floras of some regions of European Russia and regional specifics of invasion fractions, stipulated by climatic peculiarities and traditions of alien species cultivation, are presented in the article of Notov A.A., Vinogradova Yu.K. and Majorov S.R. Infection of Perccottus glenii Dybowski, 1877 (Odontobutidae, Pisces) with the parasite Nippotaenia mogurndae Yamaguti et Miyata, 1940 (Nippotaeniidae, Cestoda) due to cannibalism is given in the paper of Reshetnikov et al. A review on appearance and naturalization of alien species of fishes in the basins of the biggest rivers of the Ponto-Caspian basin – the Dniepr, Don, and Volga – is given in the paper of Slynko et al. The new species in the phytoplankton composition of the north-eastern part of the Black Sea are described in the article of Yasakova O.N.

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