Russian Journal of Biological Invasions

2013, issue ¹ 1


Gongalsky K.B., Kuznetsova D.M., Filimonova Zh.V., Shakhab S.V. Distribution and ecology of the invasive species of woodlice Hyloniscus riparius (C. Koch, 1838) (Isopoda, Oniscidea, Trichoniscidae) in Russia
Grigoryevskaya A.J., Lepeshkina L.A., Vladimirov D.R., Sergeyev D.U. The creation of a Black book of Voronezh Region
Deart Y.V., Frolov A.A., Manjushin I.S. Bivalves Abra prismatica (Montagu, 1808) and Gari fervensis (Gmelin, 1791) – the new species for the fauna of the Russian Sector of the Barents Sea
Karabanov D.P., Kodukhova Yu.V., Mustafayev N.J. Topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva (Cyprinidae) – a new species in the ichthyofauna of Azerbaijan
Kassal B.Yu., Sidorov G.N. Settling the sable (Martes zibellina) and the pine marten (Martes martes) in the Omsk Region and biogeographic implications of their hybridization
Makhrov A.A., Artamonova V.S., Karabanov D.P. Occurrence of topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva (Temminck et Schlegel) (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) in drainage of Brahmaputra River (Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau, China)
Orlova-Bienkowskaja M.Ja. The dangerous invasive harlequin ladybird Harmonia axyridis (Pallas, 1773) (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) in European Russia

Download Russian Journal of Biological Invasions, 2013, issue ¹ 1

Distribution and ecology of the invasive species of woodlice Hyloniscus riparius (C. Koch, 1838) (Isopoda, Oniscidea, Trichoniscidae) in Russia - Gongalsky K.B., Kuznetsova D.M., Filimonova Zh.V., Shakhab S.V. - In the former Soviet Union there are species in the fauna of woodlice, which extend their ranges. In particular, since the 1990s the number of registrations of Hyloniscus riparius, previously found only in Kyiv, has risen to eight, at that all of new findings are located to the east of the previous ones. The analysis of this species participation in communities of woodlice in central Russia shows that they reach the number of 54 ind.xm-2, making up to 99% of the total abundance of woodlice. Almost ubiquitous distribution of H. riparius in the area under study may be the cause of the displacement of indigenous woodlice, as well as to lead to a decline in biodiversity in soils and ecosystem sustainability in the long term.

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The creation of a Black book of Voronezh Region - Grigoryevskaya A.J., Lepeshkina L.A., Vladimirov D.R., Sergeyev D.U. - The summary of the invasive flora of the Voronezh Region in the form of an annotated list with 110 species of vascular plants is prepared. The analysis of taxonomic, ecological phytocenotic, biomorphological, botanical and geographical origin and invasive status for these plants in the region is made. The main tasks of invasive plant species monitoring in the Voronezh Region are formulated.

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Bivalves Abra prismatica (Montagu, 1808) and Gari fervensis (Gmelin, 1791) – the new species for the fauna of the Russian Sector of the Barents Sea - Deart Y.V., Frolov A.A., Manjushin I.S. - Abra prismatica (Montagu, 1808) and Gari fervensis (Gmelin, 1791) were found at the Russian Sector of the Barents Sea in 2008–2010 for the first time. These data allowed us to expand their distribution range at least by 300 km to the east. Such range expansion is probably caused by the current warming of the Murman coast of the Barents Sea. The biology, life cycle and ecology of both species are discussed. It is suggested that the live cycle of A. prismatica in the northern part of its geographic range has changed.

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Topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva (Cyprinidae) – a new species in the ichthyofauna of Azerbaijan - Karabanov D.P., Kodukhova Yu.V., Mustafayev N.J. - The article presents the morphological and biological description of the topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) from the water bodies of Azerbaijan. Small variability of morphological characters in the studied populations is shown. The maximal age at the studied fishes is defined as 6+, the age of the majority of adult fishes is 3 + and 4 +, preadolescent individuals have an age of 0+ or 1+. Absolute fecundity estimates from 430 to 8690, with a mean value of 1940 eggs. It was established, that topmouth gudgeon settled on the West Azerbaijan (Akstafa and Kazakh regions) and South Azerbaijan (Lankaran Region).

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Settling the sable (Martes zibellina) and the pine marten (Martes martes) in the Omsk Region and biogeographic implications of their hybridization - Kassal B.Yu., Sidorov G.N. - Due to restoration of the range of Martes zibellina and natural settlement of the Martes martes to the south-east of Western Siberia, the zone of spontaneous hybridization of these species in Omsk Region was formed. This led to kidus appearance, which affected the rate of reproduction of both parent species. In the territory of the Omsk Region the establishment of range boundaries for the sable and marten with a particular area of cohabitation was formed at the end of the XXth – the beginning of the XXIth century. Hybridization of these species is an additional barrier to the deep penetration of each of these species into the range of the other one.

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Occurrence of topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva (Temminck et Schlegel) (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) in drainage of Brahmaputra River (Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau, China) - Makhrov A.A., Artamonova V.S., Karabanov D.P. - Two individuals of Pseudorasbora parva were caught in a small field ditch flowing into the Yarlung Zangbo River (the upper reach of the Brahmaputra River). Taxonomic status of these specimens was confirmed due to morphological analysis and analysis of the mitochondrial Cytochrome-C oxidase subunit I (COI) sequences (known as Barcoding).

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The dangerous invasive harlequin ladybird Harmonia axyridis (Pallas, 1773) (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) in European Russia - Orlova-Bienkowskaja M.Ja. - Harlequin ladybird (Harmonia axyridis) is recorded in Belgorod Region (the south-west of European Russia). For last 20 years H. axyridis has established in 38 countries of North America, South America, Europe and Africa. Propagation of this beetle has caused the decline of populations of local ladybird species and some other insects. Harlequin ladybird is a significant pest of fruit production and wine production. H. axyridis is a nuisance that infests houses and other buildings in large numbers searching for overwintering sites. Hungry beetles bite people. The fluid, excreted by the beetles, has a foul odor, may stain furniture and walls and cause allergy. Harmonia axyridis should be included in the list of quarantine species of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phyto-Sanitary Supervision of Russia.

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