Russian Journal of Biological Invasions

2014, issue ¹ 1


Dgebuadze Yu.Yu. Invasions of alien species in Holarctic: some results and perspective of investigations
Korneva L.G. Invasions of alien species of planktonic algae into Holarctic freshwaters (Review)
Leontyev D.F. Spatio-temporal dynamics of spreading of Ondatra zibeticus and Neovison vison in the upper reaches of Nizhnyaya Tunguska and Lena rivers
Nikolin E.G. The weed and alien plants of Yakutia
Popov I.Yu. New fish species in the Russian part of the Gulf of Finland and inland water bodies of Saint-Petersburg and Leningradskaya oblast
Khoroon L.V. Secondary range formation role in providing the contacts between adventive plant species populations
Bayanov N.G. Occurrence and Abundance level of Kellicottia bostoniensis (Rousselet, 1908) in lakes of the Nizhniy Novgorod region
Munteanu N., Moldovan A., Bacal S., Toderas I. Alien beetle species in the Republic of Moldova: a review of their origin and main impact

Download Russian Journal of Biological Invasions, 2014, issue ¹ 1

Invasions of alien species in Holarctic: some results and perspective of investigations - Dgebuadze Yu.Yu. - This brief review includes information on recent important results of studies of invasions carried out first of all in Russian and adjacent territories, and for species which are alians for many regions of the world. Some of these results were presented in International symposia “Invasion of alien species in Holarctic”. The approach of choice and description of dangerous alien species as priority targets for study and control is proposed. Some termilogy issues are discussed.

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Invasions of alien species of planktonic algae into Holarctic freshwaters (Review) - Korneva L.G. - On the basis of analysis of published literary data and our original research of phytoplankton Volga reservoirs the scales and rates of spreading of some alien species of planktonic algae into freshwaters of Eurasia and North America are presented, and the possible reasons for their expansion are discussed.

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Spatio-temporal dynamics of spreading of Ondatra zibeticus and Neovison vison in the upper reaches of Nizhnyaya Tunguska and Lena rivers - Leontyev D.F. - On the basis of our original materials for the period more than 40 years and literary data the territorial aspect of muskrat (Ondatra zibeticus) and American mink (Neovison vison) introduction is characterized in dynamics. The special attention is paid to the state of their number and economic importance.

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The weed and alien plants of Yakutia - Nikolin E.G. - On the basis of literary data and own supervision of the author the data on an invasion of vascular plants into the territory of Yakutia are provided. It is established that as a part of flora of Yakutia there are 155species and 1 subspecies of the alien plants which are representatives of 29 families. It is revealed that for the period close to a century, the number of alien elements of flora of this region has increased by 99 types. Considering the big size of the territory of Yakutia, the density of weed and alien species of plants on a unit of area is rather low. It is caused by severe physiographic conditions of this region. However, considering the tendencies of climate warming, it is necessary to expect additional introduction of undesirable alien flora elements to Yakutia and to provide measures for protection against them.

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New fish species in the Russian part of the Gulf of Finland and inland water bodies of Saint-Petersburg and Leningradskaya oblast - Popov I.Yu. - Results of recent observations of alien fish species (anchovy, piranha, Chinese sleeper, rainbow trout, peled) in water bodies around Saint-Petersburg (Gulf of Finland, Ladoga Lake and surrounding rivers and lakes) are presented. Relatively new species, i. e. the species increasing their distribution area recently (sabrefish, zope, sprat), are discussed as well. The causes of such events are discussed. The fishing and overfishing of local fishes are considered as the most significant ones.

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Secondary range formation role in providing the contacts between adventive plant species populations - Khoroon L.V. - The paper describes a complex of random factors which at the first stages of secondary range formation dominates and creates the prerequisites for appearance and beginning of self-reproduction of adventive plant species populations and then for their mutual contacts.

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Occurrence and Abundance level of Kellicottia bostoniensis (Rousselet, 1908) in lakes of the Nizhniy Novgorod region - Bayanov N.G. - By the moment two species of rotifers of genus Kellicottia inhabit the lakes of Nizhniy Novgorod region: native representative of this genus – Kellicottia longispina (Kellicott, 1879) and the American invader – Kellicottia bostoniensis (Rousselet, 1908). The North American rotifer K. bostoniensis is found in the west and the southwest of the Nizhniy Novgorod region. Rotifers of this genus successfully develop mainly in deep reservoirs of different trophic status with waters of a small mineralization. K. longispina does not sustain a competition to the invader. The situation is aggravated with affinity of requirements to environmental conditions of these species.

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Alien beetle species in the Republic of Moldova: a review of their origin and main impact - Munteanu N., Moldovan A., Bacal S., Toderas I. - A list of beetles considered to be of alien origin in the Republic of Moldova has been set up, with data on their origin, habitat, trophic range and economic impact. Altogether, 75 alien beetle species have been revealed, which represents 2.98% of local coleopteran fauna. The most numerous taxonomic groups are Curculionidae (30 species), Staphylinidae and Chrysomelidae (by 11). The majority of non-native beetles originates in Europe, Asia and Mediterranean region, while comparable less number of species originates in Africa and North America. From the total number of the investigated alien beetles 26.67% are agricultural, forest and storage pests.

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