Russian Journal of Biological Invasions

2016, issue ¹ 4


Vasil'ev  A.G., Bol'shakov  V.N., Vasil'eva  I.A., Sineva   N.V. After-effects of muskrat introduction in western Siberia: morphological and functional aspects
Gninenko   Yu.I., Muhamadiev  N.S., Ashikbaev  N.Zh. Cameraria ohridella – the first record in central Asia
Guchmanidze  A., Statkevich  S., Boltachev  A. The first record of prawn Penaeus semisulcatus De Haan, 1844 (Decapoda, Penaeidae) near the coast of Georgia
Zhokhov  A.E., Pugacheva  MN., Molodozhnikova  N.M.  Parasites of the invasive Proterorhinus semilunaris (Pisces: Gobiidae) in Rybinsk reservoir and checklist of the parasites of gobiids of the genus Proterorhinus in Eurasia
Kerchev  I.A., Kryukov  V.Yu., Yaroslavtseva  O.N., Polovinko  G.P., Tokarev  Yu.S., Glupov  V.V. The first data on fungal pathogens (Ascomycota, Hypocreales) in the invasive populations of four-eyed fir bark beetle Polygraphus proximus Blandf
Kolyada  N.A., Kolyada  A.S.  Occurrence of potentially invasive species box elder (Acer negundo L.) in the south of the Russian Far East
Korablev  N.P., Korablev  M.P., Korablev  P.N., Volkov N.O.   Polymorphism of the American mink (Neovison vison (Schreber, 1777)) populations inhabiting the Caspian-Baltic watershed inferred by means of mtDNA D-loop
Kurina  E.M.  Diversity, dynamics of distribution and structure of communities of benthic alien species in Saratov reservoir
Mamanazarova   K.S., Gololobova  M.A.  Pleurosira laevis (Ehrenberg) Compere – the new diatom species for Uzbekistan and Central Asia
Pereverzeva  V.V., Primak  A.A., Pavlenko  M.V., Dokuchaev  N.E., Evdokimova  A.A.  Genetic features and possible sources of isolated populations' formation of the striped field mouse Apodemus agrarius Pallas, 1771 on the territory of Magadan oblast
Poltavsky  A.N., Ilyina  E.V. Glyphodes pyloalis walker, 1859 (Lepidoptera, Crambidae) – a new species of tropical snout-moth for the fauna of Dagestan
Polyaeva  K.V., Yablokov  N.O. The first data on parasites of amur sleeper Perccottus glenii Dybowski, 1877 (Osteichthyes: Odontobutidae) in the Yenisei basin (Bugach reservoir)
Sokolov   S.G., Reshetnikov   A.N., Protasova   E.N., Voropaeva   E.L. New data on alien species of parasites and hosts in the ecosystem of Glubokoe lake (Moscow oblast, Russia)

Download Russian Journal of Biological Invasions, 2016, issue ¹ 4

After-effects of muskrat introduction in western Siberia: morphological and functional aspects - Vasil'ev  A.G., Bol'shakov  V.N., Vasil'eva  I.A., Sineva  N.V. -The paper presents study results concerning morphogenetic and morphological and functional features of Canadian muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus L.) introduced in the Northern (Yamal Island) and Southern (Kurgan oblast) regions of Western Siberia in the middle of the last century. A set of allochronic samples from populations examined at different stages of introduction process was compared by the methods of geometric morphometrics. Directed alterations of mandible size and shape connected with its functional features as feeding organ were found. Rapid initial divergence between northern and southern muskrat populations followed by long-term parallel functional and morphological adjusting under biocenotic adaptation was detected. The rate of morphological transformations in the northern population group was found to be higher than that in the southern one. This may correlate with severe living environment in Yamal forest-tundra. Significant decrease of morphological disparity of mandible shape was revealed in both populations during the second half of the XXth century. Coincidence of mandible size in the two populations up to the end of the last century had excluded any allometric effects in discovered geographic and chronographic differences of mandible shape in muskrats. Therefore, micro-evolutionary transformations of morphogenesis in invasive species can be realized in historical age, or relatively rapidly. So, we should take it into account when forecasting local biocenotic crises. The model of the long-term after-effects of Muskrat introduction in the Western Siberia confirms a possibility of rapid adaptive morphogenetic, morphological and functional alterations in invasive species of mammals under introduction into new communities.

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Cameraria ohridella – the first record in central Asia -Gninenko   Yu.I., Muhamadiev  N.S., Ashikbaev  N.Zh. - The data on the formation of invasive range of Cameraria ohridella in Russia and data on the first finding of this invasive phytophage of horse chestnut in Kazakhstan are given. For the first time this pest was detected in the horse chestnut landscaping planting in Almaty in 2014. It is suggested that in Central Asia an island range of Cameraria ohridella forms, which is isolated from its European range by the spaces of Siberia, Western and Northern Kazakhstan where the horse chestnut doesn't grow.

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The first record of prawn Penaeus semisulcatus De Haan, 1844 (Decapoda, Penaeidae) near the coast of Georgia - Guchmanidze  A., Statkevich  S., Boltachev  A. - On the 11th of October, 2014 a specimen of a green tiger prawn Penaeus semisulcatus (de Haan, 1844) was discovered near the Batumi harbor. It was the second finding of the green tiger prawn in the Black Sea. The first record of the species in the coastal waters of Bolshoi Sochi was made in 2005.

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Parasites of the invasive Proterorhinus semilunaris (Pisces: Gobiidae) in Rybinsk reservoir and checklist of the parasites of gobiids of the genus Proterorhinus in Eurasia - Zhokhov  A.E., Pugacheva  MN., Molodozhnikova  N.M.  - Metazoan parasite of gobiid-invader, Proterorhinus semilunaris (n = 101) from four places of Rybinsk reservoir were studied in August 2015. Six parasite species were identified: Unionidae gen. sp., Paracoenogonimus ovatus, Diplostomum sp., Ichthiocotylurus platycephalus, Posthodiplostomum cuticola, Camallanus lacustris. Trematoda metacercariae were typical for parasite fauna of all studied samples. The specific parasites, monogenean Gyrodactylus proterorhini and cestodes Proteocephalus gobiorum were no recorded. The present paper summarizes the data on parasite fauna of P. semilunaris and P. marmoratus in Eurasia based on published data. The parasite fauna of P. marmoratus is represented by 40 species (1 Microspora, 4 Ciliophora, 4 Myxozoa, 1 Monogenoidea, 4 Cestoda, 17 Trematoda, 4 Nematoda, 4 Acanthocephala, 1 Arthropoda). P. semilunaris has 92 species (1 Kinetoplastida, 2 Sporozoa, 4 Microspora, 11 Ciliophora, 2 Myxozoa, 2 Monogenoidea, 8 Cestoda, 35 Trematoda, 12 Nematoda, 5 Acanthocephala, 1 Annelida, 4 Mollusca, 5 Arthropoda).

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The first data on fungal pathogens (Ascomycota, Hypocreales) in the invasive populations of four-eyed fir bark beetle Polygraphus proximus Blandf - Kerchev  I.A., Kryukov  V.Yu., Yaroslavtseva  O.N., Polovinko  G.P., Tokarev  Yu.S., Glupov  V.V. - The population of the invasive pest of Siberian fir four-eyed fir bark beetle Polygraphus proximus Blandf. (FFBB) from Western Siberia was examined for the presence of insect pathogenic ascomycetes. Four species of insect pathogenic fungi, Beauveria bassiana, B. pseudobassiana, Lecanicillium attenuatum and Isaria farinosa, were detected basing on morphological characteristics and/or sequencing data. Bioassays using conidia of fungi B. bassiana and I. farinosa from collection of ISEA SB RAS were performed against adults of FFBB under different temperatures (15 °C and 5 °C) and 100% RH. The mortality of P. proximus reached 80–100% within 45 days. The fungus B. bassiana was more effective at the 15 °C as compared to 5 °C. Contrarily, I. farinosa was more virulent at 5 °C.

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Occurrence of potentially invasive species box elder (Acer negundo L.) in the south of the Russian Far East - Kolyada  N.A., Kolyada  A.S.  - Results of investigations on the occurrence of the North American plant species of box elder in the Primorye Territory in greenery and disturbed natural phytocenoses are presented. It is shown that in present time the occurrence of the species in localities varies from low to mass. On the studied territory the box elder is absent in forest biocenoses and found in anthropogenic landscapes – wastelands, kitchen-gardens, free places in the streets, roadsides, railway embankments etc. By degree of naturalization, the box elder is an epekophyte. Considering increasing economic development of the region, mass distribution of the species is probable. It can become the leading species on disturbed lands.

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Polymorphism of the American mink (Neovison vison (Schreber, 1777)) populations inhabiting the Caspian-Baltic watershed inferred by means of mtDNA D-loop - Korablev  N.P., Korablev  M.P., Korablev  P.N., Volkov N.O.   -Analysis of the fragment of mtDNA d-loop (369 bp, n=48) in wild and domestic American minks harvested in Caspian-Baltic watershed in the European part of Russia revealed relatively high genetic polymorphism degree for introducents. The values of haplotype and nucleotide polymorphism are correspondent to the level, which was found in populations of the species inhabiting Eastern Europe (Poland). The tendency of differentiation of haplogroups is noted on the background of weak geographical or breeding structure of populations. Observed patterns of polymorphism are probably connected with peculiarities of introduction history as well as with the pool of initial DNA set of ancestors introduced in Eurasia. Domesticated form of the American mink does not differ from wild populations of the species on the base of used DNA-marker. In wild populations of the species located at the short distance from mink's farm, haplotypes typical for domesticated minks were found.

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Diversity, dynamics of distribution and structure of communities of benthic alien species in Saratov reservoir - Kurina  E.M. -The long-term and seasonal dynamics of the diversity and distribution of alien species in benthic communities of the Saratov Reservoir based on the results of the studies during the period of 2009–2012 are given. Dependence of alien species distribution on environmental factors, such as oxygen content, ion composition, temperature, pH, and others, is shown. It is shown that the highest invasive activity among alien species in the deep waters of the reservoir is inherent to the mussels Dreissena rostriformis bugensis, polychaete Hypania invalida, amphipods Dikerogammarus haemobaphes and Chaetogammarus warpachowskyi, and in the shallow waters – to gastropods Lithoglyphus naticoides.

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Pleurosira laevis (Ehrenberg) Compere – the new diatom species for Uzbekistan and Central Asia - Mamanazarova   K.S., Gololobova  M.A.  - A diatom species Pleurosira laevis was found in the Zarafshan River, the largest river of Uzbekistan, for the first time. The populations from Uzbekistan were studied by light and scanning electron microscopy. Some data on distribution, morphology, and ecology of this species are represented. We assume that Pleurosira laevis could be introduced occasionally to the Zarafshan River simultaneously with the intentional introduction of other organisms, or could penetrate from the waters of neighboring countries, where it appeared earlier.

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Genetic features and possible sources of isolated populations' formation of the striped field mouse Apodemus agrarius Pallas, 1771 on the territory of Magadan oblast - Pereverzeva  V.V., Primak  A.A., Pavlenko  M.V., Dokuchaev  N.E., Evdokimova  A.A.  - A striped field mouse Apodemus agrarius is a new invading species for Magadan oblast, adapted successfully to the ecological conditions of Northern Priokhotye. A full nucleotide sequence of mtDNA cytb gene of the striped field mice from 4 local settlements of the region (Snezhnaya Dolina, Snezhny, Solnechny, Talon) was determined. Five cytb haplotypes were found. The phylogenetic analysis showed the similar structure of the nucleotide sequences of cytb of the striped field mice from Northern Priokhotye and haplotypes of this species from the Far East-Chinese part of the species range. Most likely, the invasion of Apodemus agrarius individuals to Talon came from Primorsky krai; to Snezhnaya Dolina - from Primorsky krai and China; to Snezhny and Solnechny - from China only. The striped field mice inhabiting Snezhny and Solnechny have the same monophyletic origin. The mice inhabiting Snezhnaya Dolina probably have polyphyletic origin. The striped field mice from Talon have a distinct monophyletic origin, which differs from 3 other settlements of the Northern Pryokhotye enclave. The samples from Snezhny, Talon and Solnechny are significantly different among themselves according to 16 allozyme loci data. A downward tendency in variability parameters of the striped field mouse from the Northern Priokhotye was revealed on the basis of biochemical gene markers analysis. The genetic analysis showed that the studied local settlements of Apodemus agrarius from Magadan oblast represent small isolated populations.

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Glyphodes pyloalis walker, 1859 (Lepidoptera, Crambidae) – a new species of tropical snout-moth for the fauna of Dagestan-Poltavsky  A.N., Ilyina  E.V.-In the south of Dagestan, in a delta of the river Samur, the snout-moth Glyphodes pyloalis Walker, 1859 – a new species for fauna of western part of the Russia, the pest of mulberry, was found for the first time.

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The first data on parasites of amur sleeper Perccottus glenii Dybowski, 1877 (Osteichthyes: Odontobutidae) in the Yenisei basin (Bugach reservoir)-Polyaeva  K.V., Yablokov  N.O.-This is the first report on parasite fauna of Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii) from the Yenisei basin (Bugach reservoir). Only one parasite species (Lernea elegans) was found. Specific parasite species of Amur sleeper were not found.

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New data on alien species of parasites and hosts in the ecosystem of Glubokoe lake (Moscow oblast, Russia)-Sokolov   S.G., Reshetnikov   A.N., Protasova   E.N., Voropaeva   E.L.-Lake Glubokoe (Moscow oblast, Russia) is one of the most investigated water bodies of Europe. We detected new for the ecosystem of the lake (alien for territory of Europe) parasite species: coccidian Goussia obstinata (in invasive alien fish Perccottus glenii) and copepod Neoergasilus japonicus (on aboriginal ruff Gymnocephalus cernuus). The given coccidian is host-specific for P. glenii and was introduced in the lake together with its host. Participation of P. glenii in circulation of recorded heteroxenous helminthes (Isthmiophora melis, Azygia lucii and Raphidascaris acus) was revealed. This is confirmed by the data on trophic links of their obligatory definitive hosts (American mink Neovison vison and northern pike Esox lucius) with P. glenii in Glubokoe Lake.

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