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Russian Journal of Biological Invasions

2008, issue ¹ 1


The first issue of the Russian Journal of Biological Invasions presents 10 articles, in which the questions of introduction and distribution of plants and animals in the regions of Russia and adjacent countries are examined. The following distributions are described: the bur reed Phragmites altissimus one in Middle Asia and in the mouths of the rivers, influent into the Black and Caspian seas [Papchenkov V.G.], the distributions of new and rare species of zooplankton in the basin of the Volga River [Bychek E.A., Lasareva V.I.]. The data about the first findings of the Echinothrips americanus [Izhevskiy S.S., Mironova M.K.], the Agrilus planipennis [Izhevskiy S.S., Mozolevskaya E.G.] in Moscow and the "Cichlasoma" octofasciatum [Zvorykin D.D., Pashkov A.N.] in the city of Krasnodar are given. The broadening of the ranges of the tubenose goby Proterorhinus marmoratus [Slynko Yu.V.], the Azov-Black-Sea mollusk Lithoglyphus naticoides [Tutin A.V., Slynko Yu.V.] in the Upper Volga basin and that of the canal catfish [Mishvelov E.G., Oleinikov A.A.] in Stavropol Territory is described. The results of successful introduction of the Zygogramma suturalis [Pushkin S.V.] are examined.

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