ISSN 1996–1499
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Russian Journal of Biological Invasions

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The problem of biological invasions of alien species has become one of the dominant ones in research of ecosystems of the terrestrial globe in the latest 50 years. Intentional introduction, accidental transfer, range expansion of animals and plants has required concentration of strengths and more rapt attention to the given problem.

One of paramount tasks of the studies of the species-invaders is the organization of monitoring of the invasion process. Such a monitoring is necessary for determination of invasion corridors, establishment of the rate of alien species penetration into new ecosystems, invasion prognosis and development of the prevention measures for the control of unwanted invaders.

The problem of biological invasions of alien species has an exclusively great importance for the Russian Federation on account of amplitude of the territory, relatively poor control, intensive transportations and several other circumstances. Species transfer from one zoogeographical region or water basin to another one is not accompanied by frontier crossing in Russia, what substantially lightens penetration of alien species into new ecosystems.

Russia has got into the development of the problems connected with alien species invasion with some delay. However, the presence of high qualification specialists and long-term observations in several regions allows improvement of the situation on this exceptionally important panto-biological problem rather rapidly.

A significant stage of the studies in recent years was a revelation of the main transit ways of the invasion process. The greatest success was achieved in determination of the ways of penetration of weeds and insect pests. Most of these ways are connected with the flows of agricultural loads. It is established that the increased in the last 20-30 years settlement of aquatic organisms is stipulated by the canal building, reservoirs creation, transport transfer intensification and global warming. The works on monitoring of alien species of hydrobionts on the Black Sea – Caspian – Volga transit way are started. It is determined that advancement of the alien species (they are more than 20 at present) goes in several stages, at each of which a formation of the stable self-reproducing populations occurs. First steps on Russian invasion species inventory has been made recently with the results presentation in available for researches and representatives of ruling organizations form: the databases on the main animal and plant species groups have been created.

At present, the task of a quick information exchange between specialists on the questions of identification and influence risk of invaders on native ecosystems is very acute. A newly developed Russian Journal of Biological Invasions will serve right for this task.

Editor-in-chief, Academician Yu.Yu. Dgebuadze
Deputy editor-in-chief, V.G. Petrosyan
2024, issue ¹ 3
2024, issue ¹ 2
2024, issue ¹ 1
2023, issue ¹ 4
2023, issue ¹ 3
2023, issue ¹ 2
2023, issue ¹ 1
2022, issue ¹ 4
2022, issue ¹ 3
2022, issue ¹ 2
2022, issue ¹ 1
2021, issue ¹ 4
2021, issue ¹ 3
2021, issue ¹ 2
2021, issue ¹ 1
2020, issue ¹ 4
2020, issue ¹ 3
2020, issue ¹ 2
2020, issue ¹ 1
2019, issue ¹ 4
2019, issue ¹ 3
2019, issue ¹ 2
2019, issue ¹ 1
2018, issue ¹ 4
2018, issue ¹ 3
2018, issue ¹ 2
2018, issue ¹ 1
2017, issue ¹ 4
2017, issue ¹ 3
2017, issue ¹ 2
2017, issue ¹ 1
2016, issue ¹ 4
2016, issue ¹ 3
2016, issue ¹ 2
2016, issue ¹ 1
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2024, issue ¹ 3
2024, issue ¹ 2
2024, issue ¹ 1
2023, issue ¹ 4
2023, issue ¹ 3
2023, issue ¹ 2
2023, issue ¹ 1
2022, issue ¹ 4
2022, issue ¹ 3
2022, issue ¹ 2
2022, issue ¹ 1
2021, issue ¹ 4
2021, issue ¹ 3
2021, issue ¹ 2
2021, issue ¹ 1
2020, issue ¹ 4
2020, issue ¹ 3
2020, issue ¹ 2
2020, issue ¹ 1
2019, issue ¹ 4
2019, issue ¹ 3
2019, issue ¹ 2
2019, issue ¹ 1
2018, issue ¹ 4
2018, issue ¹ 3
2018, issue ¹ 2
2018, issue ¹ 1
2017, issue ¹ 4
2017, issue ¹ 3
2017, issue ¹ 2
2017, issue ¹ 1
2016, issue ¹ 4
2016, issue ¹ 3
2016, issue ¹ 2
2016, issue ¹ 1
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MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
Pleiades Publishing, Inc.


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"Group of Bioinformatics and Modeling Biological Processes" IPEE RAS

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© 2008-. "Group of Bioinformatics and Modeling Biological Processes" IPEE RAS