>>> Download Russian Journal of Biological Invasions, 2008, issue ¹ 2
Russian Journal of Biological Invasions
2008, issue ¹ 2
In the second issue of the Russian Journal of Biological Invasions 8 articles are presented, in which theoretical and practical questions of biological invasions by the example of several Russian regions are examined. Biological features and competitive relations of invasion and native species of the genus Geum L. are given in the paper of Vinogradova Yu.K. New invasions of alien insects into European Russia and possible invasions of marine mollusks of the families Teredinidae and Pholadidae (Bivalvia) in the waters of Russia and adjacent countries are presented in the papers of Izhevskiy S.S., Maslyakov V.Yu. and Iljin I.N., respectively. Species composition, distribution and biological condition of alien fish species in the estuary of the Razdolnaya River are shown in the paper of Kolpakov N.V. et al. A review article on alien mammalian species invasion is presented by Khlyap L.A. et al. The results of the study of ship water ballast in the ports of Novorossisk and Vladivostok are considered in the paper of Zvyagintsev A.Yu. and Selifonova J.P. Paleoecological aspects of invasion of the modern Polycystina (Euradiolaria) into the Arctic Ocean are examined in the paper of Kruglikova S.B. and Bjorklund K.R. A general concept of creation of the problem-oriented WEB-portal on alien species invasion in the Russian Federation is presented in the paper of Dgebuadze Yu.Yu. et al.
© 2008-. Russian Journal of Biological Invasions |
© 2008-. "Group of Bioinformatics and Modeling Biological Processes" IPEE RAS |