>>> Download Russian Journal of Biological Invasions, 2009, issue ¹ 2
Russian Journal of Biological Invasions
2009, issue ¹ 2
The second issue of the Russian Journal of Biological Invasions presents 8 articles, which consider theoretical and practical questions of biological invasions by the example of several regions of Russia, Ukraine and Turkmenistan. The paper of Karpinskiy M.G. discusses peculiarities of invasion of marine species (7 species of diatomic algae and 2 species of pyrrhophyte ones, 10 macrophytes, 7 species of plankton invertebrates, 2 nectobenthic ones, 9 benthic ones, 6 species from fouling and 2 species of fish) into the Caspian Sea. The paper of Katsman E.A. and Kuchkina M.A. gives the data on introduction of Vallisneria spiralis L. into the Desnogorskoe waterbody. Analysis of the data of 1997 and 2004 on the changes, took place in bottom communities of the western part of the Gulf of Finland after introduction of the North American polychaeta Marenzelleria neglecta in 1996, are presented by Maximov A.A. The data about the first capture of the pike Atractosteus sp. (Actinopterygii, Lepisosteiformes, Lepisosteidae) in the Caspian Sea near the coast of Turkmenistan are described in the article of Salnikov V.B. The data on biological invasions of hydrobionts into Khanka Lake and the types of influences of invasion processes on ecosystem are considered in the paper of Svirskiy V.G. and Barabanschikov E.I. The broadening of the range of the red deer in Yakutia to the north-east and the factors enabling the moving of the range boundary are given in the article of Stepanova V.V. The sources and directions of invasion of alien mollusks in the territory of Ukraine are presented in the paper of Son M.O. The species-invaders of crustaceans (Gmelinoides fasciatus Steb.), mollusks (Pomacea canaliculata Lamarck) and vascular plants (Vallisneria spiralis L.) in the biocenosis of the water reservoir-cooler of Belovskaya HPS (the south of Western Siberia) are presented in the paper of Yanygina L.V. et al.
© 2008-. Russian Journal of Biological Invasions |
© 2008-. "Group of Bioinformatics and Modeling Biological Processes" IPEE RAS |