>>> Download Russian Journal of Biological Invasions, 2010, issue ¹ 1
Russian Journal of Biological Invasions
2010, issue ¹ 1
The first number of the Russian Journal of Biological Invasions for 2010 presents six articles which consider the questions of invasion and distribution of plants and animals in the regions of Russia and Ukraine. In the paper of Karpinskiy M.G. the analysis of introduction and dispersion of diatom algae Pseudosolenia (Rhizosolenia) calcar-avis in the Caspian Sea is given. Distribution and morphological and biological features of alien fish species in the basin of the river Ros' (a tributary of the Dnepr) are described in the article of Kutsokon Yu.K. For the majority of the species the descriptions of morphological features and biological peculiarities are shown. The problem of insect invasion into the territory of the Far East of Russia is discussed in the paper of Kuznetsov V.N. and Storozhenko S.Yu. The examples of joint invasions of two species of Dreissena, Ponto-Caspian polyhaetas and crustaceans in some waterbodies of Dnepr and in water cooling reservoir of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant are given in the article of Protasov A.A. and Silaeva A.A. Distribution, size-weight characteristics of the polychaeta Hypania invalida (Polychaeta: Ampharetidae) in the Kuibyshev water reservoir are presented in the paper of Yakovlev V.A. and Yakovleva A.V. The results of parasitological studies of population of some alien fish species and mollusks in the waterbodies of the Dnepr and Danube basins are given in the article of Yurishinets V.I. Several native and alien symbiotic species are revealed in symbiocenotic compositions.
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