>>> Download Russian Journal of Biological Invasions, 2010, issue ¹ 3
Russian Journal of Biological Invasions
2010, issue ¹ 3
In the third issue of the Russian Journal of Biological Invasions, 2010, seven articles are presented, in which the questions on invasions and distribution of alien species in the regions of Ukraine and Russia are considered. In the paper of Bazarova B.B. and Pronin N.M. the data about vectors of expansion of the Elodea canadensis in Russia are generalized. The analysis of natural and anthropogenic factors influence on formation of invader fish populations in the water ecosystems of Vologda Region is given in the article of Bolotova et al. In the study of Dobrynina T.I. an analysis of the L. dahalacensis distribution in Eastern Europe is fulfilled and the new locations of the species are revealed in Krasnodar Territory, Astrakhan, Rostov, Volgograd, Samara and Ryazan regions of Russia and also in Kherson Region of Ukraine and Dubosari District of Moldavia. The invasion of environment-forming species, European beaver (Castor fiber L.), in the basin of the Tadenka River located on the territory of the Prioksko-Terrasnyi Nature Reserve is considered in the paper of Zavyalov et al. The first finding of Ponto-Caspian invasive amphipod, the Chelicorophium curvispinum (Amphipoda, Crustacea), in Ladoga Lake is presented in the article of Kurashov E.A., Barbashova M.A. and Panov V.E. The taxonomic diversity of synanthropic and agrophilous rodents of Russia is analyzed in the study of Khlyap L.A. and Varshavskiy A.A. The data about the first findings of the North-American gastropod mollusk, the Physella Acuta, in the Kuybyshev Water Reservoir are given in the paper of Yakovleva A.V., Yakovlev V.A., and Mezikova D.V.
© 2008-. Russian Journal of Biological Invasions |
© 2008-. "Group of Bioinformatics and Modeling Biological Processes" IPEE RAS |