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Russian Journal of Biological Invasions

2011, issue ¹ 1


Artamonova V.A., Makhrov A.A., Shulman B.S., Khaimina O.V., Lajus D.L., Yurtseva A.O., Shirokov V.A., Shurov I.L. Response of the atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) population of the Keret' river on the invasion of parasite Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg
Vasileva N.V., Papchenkov V.G. Mechanisms of influence invasion Bidens frondosa L. on native bur-marigold species
Zakharov A.B., Boznak E.I. Current changes in fish population of the European Russian North-East large rivers
Kapitonova O.A. Alien species of plants in aquatic ecosystems of Vjatka-Kama region
Krivosheina M.G. Insects pests of Sosnowski's hogweed in Moscow region and the prospects of their use in biological control
Kuklina A.G. Naturalization of Amelanchier species from north america in the secondary distribution range
Lysenko D.S. Naturalization of adventive plants in Magadan region
Mamilov N.Sh. Modern diversity of alien fish species in Chu and Talas river basins
Naser M.D., Son M.O., Yasser A.Gh. Assessing the risks of aquatic invertebrates invasions in the Shatt Al-Arab river
Popov A.I. Alien species os zooplankton in Saratov reservoir (Russia, Volga river)
Sonina E.Ae., Filinova E.I. Dikerogammarus caspius (Pallas) in Volgograd reservoir

Download Russian Journal of Biological Invasions, 2011, issue ¹ 1

Response of the atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) population of the Keret' river on the invasion of parasite Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg - Artamonova V.A., Makhrov A.A., Shulman B.S., Khaimina O.V., Lajus D.L., Yurtseva A.O., Shirokov V.A., Shurov I.L. - Since 1992, most juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar from the Keret' River (White Sea basin) have been infected with the dangerous parasite G. salaris almost every year. Decreasing the population size, G. salaris affected salmon gene pool. Wild juveniles from the Keret', in contrast to juveniles from other rivers, were found to have a higher fluctuating asymmetry of scull bones in comparison with cultivated juveniles. Hybrids between the Atlantic salmon and brown trout (S. trutta) were found in the river. Based on analysis of the patterns of allozyme marker distribution, one may conclude there were rapids where only one pair of Atlantic salmon spawned in some years. At the same time, we have found an increase in frequency of one haplotype of mitochondrial DNA. The response has likely an adaptive character.

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Mechanisms of influence invasion Bidens frondosa L. on native bur-marigold species - Vasileva N.V., Papchenkov V.G. - In coastal conditions of the Kuibyshev, Gorky and Cheboksary reservoirs the long time (2002–2010) stationary observations for a population state of invasive North American Bidens frondosa L. and native species populations of the genus Bidens were carried out. It has been found that in the process of invasive species implementation into the biota its populations, as well as populations of interacting with it native species of Bidens, are experiencing profound changes associated with active natural hybridization and leading to disappearance of the local B. tripartita, reduction in the number of B. radiata and the formation of a new form of alien B. frondosa.

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Current changes in fish population of the European Russian North-East large rivers - Zakharov A.B., Boznak E.I. - The current changes in fish population of the European Russian North-East water-bodies reflect a real appearance of new fish species in communities as well as an active expansion of fish species which were few till today. Six new fish species not marked previously have been identified in the Pechora River basin. At least 6 fish species have appeared in the Northern Dvina basin, which has been connected to the Volga-Kama basin through artificial channels for almost 200 years ("invasive" fish migration corridors).
Appearance of new commercial fish species in northern river ecosystems is possible, but not their naturalization (because of high catches ratio). Successful immigration of small non-commercial fish species with high adaptive potential is much more possible. Thus, in the nearest future we may await a penetration of some species of bullhead, well-presented in freshwater water-bodies of the Volga-Kama basin.

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Alien species of plants in aquatic ecosystems of Vjatka-Kama region - Kapitonova O.A. - On the territory of Vjatka-Kama Region the growth of 22 species of the alien vascular macrophytes is noted. They make 6.5 % from the number of known for the region macrophyte species. Most of them are not active participants in formation of vegetative communities and constitute a part of aquatic communities as accompanying elements (Amaranthus retroflexus, Chenopodium glaucum, C. rubrum, Xanthium strumarium, Epilobium pseudorubescens, Juncus gerardii, Senecio vulgaris, Typha laxmannii, Mimulus guttatus, Butomus junceus, Scirpus tabernaemontani, Zannichellia repens). They grow on secondary and open natural ecotopes. The given species do not represent a big threat for ecosystems of the region reservoirs now as they have the lowest activity in aquatic communities. Among the alien species of macrophytes are also invasive species. Some of them (Najas major, Vallisneria spiralis, Phragmites altissimus, Juncus tenuis, Echinochloa crusgalli) have become strongly a part of secondary biotope communities, but represent a threat for aboriginal species of macrophytes only in the specific ecotopes which ecological parameters deviate considerably from the norm. Others (Elodea canadensis, Epilobium adenocaulon, Impatiens glandulifera, Mentha longifolia, Lemna gibba) were naturalized in natural ecosystems or actively taking root into them. The overwhelming majority of alien species of macrophytes within the region are the plants which are not referring to water plants: hygrophytes (10 species or 45.5 %) and hygromesophytes (3 species, or 13.6 %). Alien hydrophytes are only 5 species (22.7 %), helophytes – 4 species (18.2 %). Six species of alien macrophytes (27.3 %) have transcontinental (North America) drift, 12 species (54.5 %) – transzonal one and 4 species (18.2 %) are brought from adjacent natural zones.

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Insects pests of Sosnowski's hogweed in Moscow region and the prospects of their use in biological control - Krivosheina M.G. - The results on composition and life history for 5 insect species injuring Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden (Apiaceae) on the territory of Moscow and Moscow Region, including Lixus iridis Olivier, Epermenia chaerophyllella (Goeze), Dasypolia templi (Thunberd), Depressaria radiella (Goeze) and Phytomyza pastinacae Handel are presented. A possibility of the use of the species revealed under design of the Sosnowski's hogweed biocontrol measures is considered.

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Naturalization of Amelanchier species from north america in the secondary distribution range - Kuklina A.G. - Here we provide the results of the study into species Amelanchier Medik. (Rosaceae) naturalized in the secondary distribution range. An assumption of the origin of A. spicata (Lam.) K. Êîch, A. lamarckii F.-G. Schroeder, A. confusa Hylander and distribution ways of A. alnifolia (Nutt.) Nutt in Russia is offered. A reasonable warning on the limitation of the use of A. spicata in planting has been made.

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Naturalization of adventive plants in Magadan region - Lysenko D.S. - The results of the study on naturalization of adventive plans in Magadan region are given. The list of adventive flora of the region consists of 292 species and includes 22 pseudoaboriginals. Ergasiophygophytes include 42% of ephemerophytes, 34% of colonophytes, 16% of epoecophytes and 8% of agriophytes. Xenophytes consist of 15% of ephemerophytes, 40% of colonophytes, 26% of epoecophytes and 19% of agriophytes. Unintentionally introduced species have greater potential to naturalization. Pseudoaboriginal xenophytes have greater part of epoecophytes than other xenophytes. Sixteen percent of adventive species spread to natural ecotopes.

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Modern diversity of alien fish species in Chu and Talas river basins - Mamilov N.Sh. - Water resources of both river systems (Chu and Talas) are used nowadays generally for irrigation. Therefore, in most reservoirs the water regimen is unfavorable for indigenous fish species. Such alien species as stone morocos Pseudorasbora parva, Amur false gudgeon Abbottina rivularis, common sawbelly Hemiculter leucisculus, and Amur goby Rhinogobius sp. have spread widely in lakes, ponds and tributaries of general rivers. There are some water bodies, where each of alien species such as common sawbelly, stone morocos, mosquito fish Gambusia holdbrookii, Amur snakehead is dominating in fish communities. Alien fish species have been found even in absolutely isolated lakes in a desert. Compared to the data of the past years, the ranges of such alien fishes like Balkhash perch Perca schrenkii and tench Tinca tinca have been significantly shortened. In the Talas River watershed such widespread for the Ily and Syrdarya river basins species as bitterling Rhodeus sericeus, ricefish Oryzias latipes and beautiful sleeper Micropercops (Hypseleotris) cintus have not been found.

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Assessing the risks of aquatic invertebrates invasions in the Shatt Al-Arab river - Naser M.D., Son M.O., Yasser A.Gh. - Shatt Al-Arab is an important invasion gateway in West Asia. Protocols of the ALARM project were used for estimation of aquatic invasions' risk assessment. There are five global alien species with high invasiveness which are widespread among the region (Eriocheir sinensis, Macrobrachium nipponense, Palaemon elegans, Balanus amphitrite, Potamopyrgus antipodarum). Identification and analysis of invasions' pathways within the region have shown predominantly secondary nature spread of aliens and also the importance of shipping and canals for recent aliens' expansion. Five assessment units (Hareer Region, Abu Al-Khaseeb, Al-Sindibad, Qurna, and Garmat Ali) have extremely high and one (Shatt Al-Basrah) – high biological contamination and risk of biological pollution. Alien species increase similarity of macrozoobenthic communities (biotic homogenization). Among key drivers of biological invasions in this region a special place is occupied by geopolitic conflicteness and competition for natural resources which form unique man-made hydrological regimen in the Mesopotamian rivers.

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Alien species os zooplankton in Saratov reservoir (Russia, Volga river) - Popov A.I. - The data on alien species of zooplankton of Saratov Reservoir of the Volga River are presented. Materials were collected during the period of 2002–2009. Species composition, seasonal dynamics and contribution of alien species into biomass of reservoir zooplankton are investigated. There are 11 alien species coming from the northern basins of Europe and 5 ones coming from southern water bodies. Alien species are important part of zooplankton of Saratov Reservoir during all seasons of the year; they can form 10 to 70% of zooplankton biomass. Saratov Reservoir is a recipient zone and part of important invasive corridor – the reservoir system of the Volga River.

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Dikerogammarus caspius (Pallas) in Volgograd reservoir - Sonina E.Ae., Filinova E.I. - Distribution, quantitative development and habitats of Caspian amphypoda Dikerogammarus caspius (Pallas, 1771) in the Volgograd Reservoir are described.

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