>>> Download Russian Journal of Biological Invasions, 2011, issue ¹ 1
Russian Journal of Biological Invasions
2011, issue ¹ 1
The first issue of The Russian Journal of Biological Invasions (2011) represents 11 articles, in which the questions of settling and distribution of alien species in the regions of Russia and adjacent territories are considered. The paper of Artamonov et al. shows an analysis of reaction of Atlantic salmon's (Salmo salar L.) population in the Keret' River to invasion of parasite Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg basing on the data of long-term monitoring. Peculiarities of action of alien species Bidens frondosa L. on aboriginal species of bur-marigold in conditions of the coastal zone of Kuibyshev, Cheboksary and Gorky reservoirs are considered in the article of Vasilyeva N.V. and Papchenkov V.G. Modern changes in fish populations of big rivers of the European North-East of Russia are presented in the paper of Zakharov A.B. and Boznak E.I. Alien plant species in water and coastal-water ecosystems of Vjatka-Kama Ural area are shown in the article of Kapitonova O.A. The results on composition and way of life for 5 insect species, which damage Sosnowski's hogweed on the territory of Moscow and Moscow Region, are presented in the article of Krivosheina M.G. The results of the species of the genus Amelanchier Medik (Rosaceae) study, naturalized within the borders of the secondary range, are viewed in the paper of Kuklina A.G. The study results on naturalization of adventive plant species in Magadan Region are shown in the article of Lysenko D.S. Characteristics of modern state of alien fish species biodiversity in the basins of the rivers Chu and Talas are presented in the article of Mamilov N.Sh. Evaluation of possible risks of water invertebrates invasions in the river Shatt-el-Arab is shown in the paper of Naser N.D., Son M.O. and Yasser A.G. The article of Sonina E.Ae. and Filinova E.I. gives the data on distribution, quantitative development and biotopic location of Caspian amphipoda Dikerogammarus caspius (Pallas, 1771) in Volgograd Reservoir.
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© 2008-. "Group of Bioinformatics and Modeling Biological Processes" IPEE RAS |