>>> Download Russian Journal of Biological Invasions, 2011, issue ¹ 3
Russian Journal of Biological Invasions
2011, issue ¹ 3
The third issue of the Russian Journal of Biological Invasions, 2011, presents 12 articles, in which the questions of introduction and dispersion of alien species in the regions of Eurasia are considered. The paper of Kasyanov A.N. and Klevakin A.A. describes some meristic features of the starry goby populations in Cheboksary reservoir for the first time. It is shown that individuals of sexually mature females at the age of 1+ in autumn consume only mollusks (% of incidence): Lithoglyphus naticoides (85%), Dreissena sp. (6%), Valvata sp. (6%) and Bithynia sp. (3%). The paper of Maltsev A.N. gives an estimation of characteristic features of the phenotype of urban populations of house mice of the city of Ishim. The analysis has shown that this population formed by accidental invasions of representatives of synanthropic taxa of house mice M. musculus and M. domesticus with the help of humans. The data on specific composition of alien flora, the groups of adventive species according to time, the way of transfer and naturalization degree in the Sura River basin are presented in the article of Silaeva T.B. The paper of Silkin et al presents an analysis of co-existence of the Black Sea and alien species in phytoplankton of the northern-eastern part of the Black Sea. The article of Starodubtseva E.A. highlights the problems of specially protected natural territories connected with invasions of alien plant species. The analysis of variability of morphological features of the Galega orientalis Lam. in several populations of natural and secondary ranges is shown in the paper of Tkacheva E.V., Vinogradova Yu.K. and Pavlova I.V. The data obtained point out an increase in competitiveness of the G. orientalis in the secondary range and confirm the EICA (Evolution of Increased Competitive Ability) hypothesis. The questions of microevolution and variability of the species of the genus Oenothera L. in Europe are presented in the article of Tohktar V.K., Vinogradova Yu.K. and Groshenko A.S. As a result of analysis of the data on the spreading of hybridogenic and parental species and degree of their introduction into natural phytocenoses of Europe, the groups of species of different invasion status are marked out. The paper of Tretyakova A.S. presents invasion potential of adventive species of the Middle Ural, including 328 species of vascular plants from 198 genera and 51 families. The article of Filippenko D.P. considers an influence of invasion of the invader species Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray, 1843) on malacofauna of four waterbodies of Kaliningrad Region. It is shown that specific composition of gasteropods includes 29 species. The analysis of variability of alien species of mammals in different regions of Russia is presented in the article of Khlyap L.A., Vashavskiy A.A. and Bobrov V.V. The paper of Khoroon L.V. presents the results of analysis of the data allowing revelation of the degree of invasion threat delay of alien plant species by their presence in drift floras of the world regions and historical dynamics of naturalization degrees of these species. the paper of Yakovleva A.V. and Yakovlev V.A. gives a comparative analysis of composition and quantitative indices of benthic communities depending on the contribution of two species of dreissenids (Dreissena polymorpha è Dreissena bugensis) into the total biomass of zoobenthos in Kuibyshev Reservoir. It is shown that summary number of invertebrate taxa decreases with the increase of dreissenids' contribution into numerical indices of communities, especially in consortiums of D. bugensis.
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