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Russian Journal of Biological Invasions

2011, issue ¹ 4


The fourth issue of the Russian Journal of Biological Invasions, 2011, presents 13 articles, which consider the questions of settling and distribution of alien species in different regions of Eurasia. The paper of Dudakova D.S. examines the questions of invasions of brackish water harpacticida Nitocra spinipes (Boeck, 1865) (Crustacea: Copepoda: Harpacticoida) into Ladoga Lake. New data on invasion of the field mouse Microtus rossiaemeridionalis into the territory of the Far East of Russia are presented in the article of Kartavtseva et al. In the paper of Leontyev D.F. the data on the changing of the borders of distribution of game mammals in Irkutsk oblast (Eastern Siberia) are given. The article of Pashkov A.N., Reshetnikov S.I. and Bondarev K.B. analyzes the degree, probability and possible consequences of naturalization of the blue crab in the Azov – Black Sea basin. The materials on finding of a new for Ukraine species of freshwater pearlweed Lophopodella carteri (Hyatt, 1866) are given in the paper of Sanzhak Yu.O., Lyashenko A.V., and Gontar V.I. Some aspects of introduction of the wood bison (Bison bison athabascae Rhoads, 1897) in Central Yakutia are considered in collective paper of Safronov V.M., Smetanin R.N., and Stepanova V.V. The article of Selifonova J.P. presents the data on a new species of infusoria Tintinnopsis tocantinensis Kofoid & Campbell, 1929 (Ciliophora: Spirotrichea: Tintinnida) in the Black Sea. The data on a new finding of north American species of gastropoda Ferrissia fragilis (Tryon, 1863) (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the basin of middle Volga are given in the paper of Tokinova R.P. In the article of Khapugin A.A. the information about a new for flora of Moldova Republic adventive species, Rosa glauca Pourr, are presented. The data about a finding of the comb jelly Mnemiopsis leidyi (A. Agassiz, 1865) in the coastal waters of the Eastern Caspian Sea (Turkmen sector) are shown in the paper of Shakirova F.M. The article of Yanygina L.V. gives the results of the study of the size-age structure and spatial distribution of Viviparus viviparus (L.) in Novosibirsk reservoir and the abiotic factors, favoring the species settling, are analyzed. The morphology, growth and reproduction of the alien species Pseudorasbora parva (Temminck et Schlegel, 1846) in the water and marsh grounds of Alma-Gol in North Iran are presented in the paper of Iran scientists Patimar R. and Baensaf S. Some questions of succession of fish community under expansion of alien species into the lake Ulungur, which is situated in a desert region in the north-west of China, are given in the article of foreign scientists Tang F.J., Brown A., and Keerjiang A.

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