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Russian Journal of Biological Invasions

2013, issue ¹ 4


Vinogradova Yu.K., Galkina M.A., Mayorov S.R. The variability of Bidens L. taxa and the problem of hybridization
Gladunova N.V., Vargot E.V., Khapugin A.A. Oenothera biennis L. (Onagraceae) in the Republic of Mordovia (Russia)
Grintsov V.A. Dynamics of population structure of a new for the Black Sea amphipod Dexamine thea (Dexaminidae, Amphipoda) from the coastal water of Laspi bay (the Black Sea, Sevastopol)
Kostina M.V., Minkova N.O., Yasinskaya O.I. Some biological features of Acer negundo L. in green plantations of Moscow
Orlova M.V. Invasion of specific ectoparasites of Siberian-Far-Eastern bat species to the Urals
Orlova-Bienkowskaja M.Ja. European range of the emerald ash borer Agrilus planipennis (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) is expanding: the pest destroys ashes in the north-west of Moscow Region and in part of Tver Region
Ponkratov S.F. Biological invasions of alien fish species into the basin of Angara reservoirs
Safonkin A.F., Akent’eva N.A., Triselyova T.A. Distribution of Meromyza flies (Diptera: Chloropidae) in the cereal crops of Mongolia
Finenko G.A., Abolmasova G.I., Datsyk N.A., Romanova Z.A., Anninskii B.E. Effect of food composition and temperature on ctenophore-invader Mnemiopsis leidyi A. Agassiz feeding rate in situ
Chumak P.Ya. Biomorphological variability of Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande in connection with its invasion in greenhouses of Kyiv

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The variability of Bidens L. taxa and the problem of hybridization - Vinogradova Yu.K., Galkina M.A., Mayorov S.R. - The complex of microspecies of the genus Bidens referred earlier to the B. × garumnae is characterized. Generation F1 doesn't inherit the "split" form of growth and integral leaves of P- plants, but each specimen is uniform and has a set of morphological and biological characteristics. In the studied locality only one hybrid grows, B. radiata × Â. frondosa. Proofs of a hybrid origin of other microspecies were not found. It is offered to carry out the molecular and genetic analysis of specimens referred earlier to Bidens × garumnae, and to describe them further as self-sustained microspecies or intraspecific taxa.

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Oenothera biennis L. (Onagraceae) in the Republic of Mordovia (Russia) - Gladunova N.V., Vargot E.V., Khapugin A.A. - Invasion of aggressive alien plant species in natural plant communities is often accompanied by oppression and disappearance of native plant species. Study of the biology and ecology of these species is required for taking actions against invasive species. Oenothera biennis L. is a European invasive species included in the Black Data Book of Central Russia, which known in the Republic of Mordovia in the 12 of 23 administrative districts. On the studied area Oenothera biennis is confined to soils of light texture, such as sandy, loamy, gravelly soils, and alluvium in floodplains. It is established that Oenothera biennis seeds have intermediate dormancy type. They show better germination on a sandy substrate and the worst – on a loamy one. Increasing temperatures reduce this period to 4–5 days. Under conditions of the Republic of Mordovia the seed mass is lesser than that in conditions of the native range.

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Dynamics of population structure of a new for the Black Sea amphipod Dexamine thea (Dexaminidae, Amphipoda) from the coastal water of Laspi bay (the Black Sea, Sevastopol) - Grintsov V.A. - The results on population structure study of a new for the Black Sea amphipod Dexamine thea Boeck, 1861 are presented. The data of dimensional structure, a parity of males and females, eggs number of females during the stay of individuals in the coastal water of Crimea (the Black Sea) from February to May are cited.

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Some biological features of Acer negundo L. in green plantations of Moscow - Kostina M.V., Minkova N.O., Yasinskaya O.I. - Acer negundo L. in Moscow is represented by a wide range of life forms which are classified as ‘trees’ according to Serebryakov. The inclinations and bends of the trunk of Acer negundo L. must be considered as one of the features of its life strategy, which permits to carry out the crown into auspicious conditions. The high germinating ability of the seeds under trees’ cover and the long period of their sprouting contribute to formation of multi-tier thickets, consisting of closely arranged, differently inclined and bended trees hazardous to humans and vehicles. The proportion of A. negundo trees in the streets, avenues and yards of Moscow on average is about 37%, but may amount to 80% in some yards. The proportion of male trees (53%) is slightly higher than females (47%). We suggest a new reasonable approach to the use of this kind of wood in the urban tree planting.

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Invasion of specific ectoparasites of Siberian-Far-Eastern bat species to the Urals - Orlova M.V. - The first data on the invasion of Siberian-Far-Eastern bat ectoparasites to the West (Ural Region) are presented, the suspected causes of invasion are reviewed.

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European range of the emerald ash borer Agrilus planipennis (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) is expanding: the pest destroys ashes in the north-west of Moscow Region and in part of Tver Region - Orlova-Bienkowskaja M.Ja. - Emerald ash borer Agrilus planipennis is a serious pest of ash. It was accidentally introduced to Moscow in 1990s. In May 2013 ashes in four cities located to the north-west of Moscow were examined. In Zelenograd (20 km far from Moscow), Klin (70 km far from Moscow) and Konakovo (100 km far from Moscow) the most of ashes have been already killed or severely damaged by the pest. Obviously, within coming several years ashes will be entirely eliminated from green plantations of these cities. Ashes, examined in Tver (145 km far from Moscow), are not damaged. The European range of the pest has significantly expanded to the northwest. Its border crosses now Tver Region.

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Biological invasions of alien fish species into the basin of Angara reservoirs - Ponkratov S.F. - The paper presents the data on biological invasions of fish species into the reservoirs of the Angara River, i.e. introduction, range expansion, and naturalization of alien species. The basic vectors of the invasion, the possibility of fish slipping past the dams on the Angara River are described. The analysis of dynamics of a new species establishment in the native ecosystem is given. It is established that the main factors of ichthyofauna change are the consequences of human activity. Taking into account economic importance of several invaders and the presence of significant supply of forage organisms in reservoirs, the possibility of usage of some invaders as the objects of graze fish breeding for augmentation in a fish productivity of the water reservoirs is considered.

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Distribution of Meromyza flies (Diptera: Chloropidae) in the cereal crops of Mongolia - Safonkin A.F., Akent’eva N.A., Triselyova T.A. - We have studied distribution of mass species of fruit flies Meromyza acuminata and M. nigrofasciata on the cereal fields of Mongolia. By the beginning of July, coming from the areas near the industrial wheat fields M. acuminata had dominated on those fields. M. nigrofasciata was found on wild cereals. The highest number of M. acuminata was on the wheat, the lesser on the barley and rye. Few in number M. elongata can compete with M. nigrofasciata. M. conifera was registered only on one wheat field together with M. acuminata and M. nigrofasciata. M. acuminata develops on Agropyron sp. (relative genius to the wheat) and easy migrates to cereal crops. In such a way it realizes the same strategy as M. nigriventris (a mass pest of cereals) does in Europe.

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Effect of food composition and temperature on ctenophore-invader Mnemiopsis leidyi A. Agassiz feeding rate in situ - Finenko G.A., Abolmasova G.I., Datsyk N.A., Romanova Z.A., Anninskii B.E. - On the basis of the study of abundance and food composition of ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi the animals’ feeding intensity in inshore waters of the northwestern Black Sea in 2009–2010 was estimated. It was shown that clearance rate varied in different food item groups. Maximum values were observed under M. leidyi consumption of Bivalvia veligers (400 l ind-1 day-1) and the minimum one – under Copepoda consumption (35 l ind-1 day-1). The feeding rate in a temperature range of 13–27 °C increased along with the temperature while at temperatures higher than 27–28 °Ñ it decreased. These data were used to calculate the predatory impact of the M. leidyi population on the different forage groups and the forage zooplankton community in the whole. The predatory pressure on all forage groups as well as on zooplankton in 2009–2010 was noticeably lower than that in the previous years, which testified to reduction of the predatory impact of M. leidyi population on zooplankton community.

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Biomorphological variability of Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande in connection with its invasion in greenhouses of Kyiv - Chumak P.Ya. - The study results on distribution and the trophic connections of Frankliniella occidentalis under the conditions of greenhouses of Kyiv are given. On the basis of morphological and metrical studies the comparative analysis of plastic features of populations with bisexual and parthenogenetic mode of reproduction has been carried out.

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