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Russian Journal of Biological Invasions

2019, issue ¹ 4


Gordeev  S.Yu.,  Gordeeva  T.V. Reasons of the Apatura fabricius, 1807 species (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) penetration into the western part of Transbaikalia
Dalke  I.V.,  Chadin  I.F.,  Malyshev  R.V.,  Zakhozhiy  I.G.,  Tishin  D.V.,  Kharevsky  A.A.,  Solod  E.G.,  Shaikina  M.N.,  Popova  M.Y.,  Polyudchenkov  I.P.,  Tagunova  I.I.,  Lyazev  P.A.,  Belyaeva  A.V.   Heracleum sosnowskyi frost-resistance in laboratory and field experiments
Evchenko  O. V.,  Zaremba  N.B.,  Rebik  S.T. On occurrence of the larvae of Palaemon Macrodactylus Rathbun, 1902. (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) shrimp in the Kerch strait
Kaplin  V.G. Distribution and biology of invasive species of pea weevil (Bruchus pisorum)
Katsman  E.A.,  Suzdaleva  A.L.,  Osipov  V.V.,  Bashinskiy  I.V.Concentrations of biogenic compounds in forest-steppe water bodies and streams inhabited by beavers (Castor fiber L.)
Kozlovskiy  B.L.,  Fedorinova  O.I.,  Kuropyatnikov  M.V. Study of the invasion of the Parthenocissus inserta (Kern.) K. Fritsch. in floodplain forests of the Rostov oblast
Malygin  V.M.,  Baskevich  M.I.,  Khlyap  L.A.    The invasions of the common vole sibling species
Pshegusov  R.H.,  Chadaeva  V.A.,  Komzha  A.L.   Spatial modeling of the range and long-term climatogenic dynamics of Ambrosia L. species in the Caucasus
Seregin  S.A.,  Popova  E.V.  Pseudodiaptomus marinus Sato, 1913 – new species of invasive copepod in the Black sea: first results of invasia
Fedina  L.A.,  Kuprin  A.V.,  Ogorodnikov  E.M.   Tussilago farfara (Asteraceae) in the south of the Far East of Russia
Yakovleva  G.A.,  Artem'ev  A.V.,  Lebedeva  D.I.  Expansion of the Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo L. 1758) to the north-west of Russia as a possibility of parasites distribution

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Reasons of the Apatura fabricius, 1807 species (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) penetration into the western part of Transbaikalia - Gordeev  S.Yu.,  Gordeeva  T.V. - The analysis of distribution of nemoral diurnal butterflies of the genus Apatura (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) and the weather characteristics of Transbaikalia has revealed the connections clarifying the reasons of the butterfly penetration deep into Siberia in recent decades. For all species of Apatura the temperature factor is the one determining their normal living, and for the species Apatura iris and A. metis the air humidity is also important.

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Heracleum sosnowskyi frost-resistance in laboratory and field experiments- Dalke  I.V.,  Chadin  I.F.,  Malyshev  R.V.,  Zakhozhiy  I.G.,  Tishin  D.V.,  Kharevsky  A.A.,  Solod  E.G.,  Shaikina  M.N.,  Popova  M.Y.,  Polyudchenkov  I.P.,  Tagunova  I.I.,  Lyazev  P.A.,  Belyaeva  A.V.   -Results of Heracleum sosnowsky frost resistance evaluation in laboratory and field experiments are presented. Plants of these species have low freezing tolerance and die in temperature range minus 6–12 °Ñ. Snow cover provides stable soil temperature (not lower than minus 3 °Ñ) and is the only factor that ensures the survival of H. sosnowsky plants in the regions with cold winter. The H. sosnowsky frost tolerance is higher in autumn (up to minus 12 °Ñ) and became lower at spring (minus 5–7 °Ñ). These results can be explained by absence of deep dormancy in H. sosnowskyi meristem tissues and gradual change of carbohydrate content in them during the cold period. The seeds have high freezing tolerance after their formation but lost it after stratification. The field experiments were carried out by participants of citizen science project “Moroz”. It was shown that probability of H. sosnowskyi plant eradication by snow removal depends completely on weather conditions. This method can be used only in the territories where the use of herbicides is prohibited and only in the regions with minimal temperature in January – February not higher than minus 25 °Ñ.  

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On occurrence of the larvae of Palaemon Macrodactylus Rathbun, 1902. (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) shrimp in the Kerch strait- Evchenko  O. V.,  Zaremba  N.B.,  Rebik  S.T. -In the recent three years (the 2nd and 22nd of June, 2017, the 18th of October, 2018, and the 12th of September, 2019), four larvae of the shrimp Palaemon macrodactylus Rathbun, 1902 were caught in the north-eastern part of the Black Sea (in the Kerch Strait, close to the Port of Kerch). It was the eighth occurrence of this shrimp in the Black Sea and the fifth one in the Kerch Strait area, and it also was the first time when its larvae were caught. Taking into account the duration of larvae development and hydrodynamic characteristics of the investigated area, it is possible that the larvae occurred naturally from the spawning females of the developing population of the shrimp P. macrodactylus in the Kerch Strait, which presents an evidence of complete naturalization of this species in the north-eastern part of the Black Sea. Given the fact that a shrimp population has been found in the western part of the Black Sea (2002, 2009) and proceeding from our findings, it can be concluded that the shrimp P. macrodactylus has fully naturalized in the Black Sea. It is quite possible that it will invade successfully the Sea of Azov and the adjacent estuaries, river deltas and limans.

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Distribution and biology of invasive species of pea weevil (Bruchus pisorum)- Kaplin  V.G. -The review of literary sources on ecology, biology, distribution of pea weevil and its main food plant – Pisum sativum, the influence of abiotic biotic and anthropogenic factors on the invasive process, phytosanitary condition of pea crops in Russia is presented. The main stages and areas of cultivation of pea and invasion of pea weevil from their primary habitat in Western Asia are traced; the factors and reasons causing them are considered. In Russia, the economic importance of pea weevil has increased since the mid-1980s, which coincided with the spread of no-till and minimum tillage, climate warming, and a decrease in the size of farms. There was an expansion of its spread in the Eastern and North-Eastern directions. Insulated hearth of high density and harmfulness of the weevil was formed in the Altai region in 1999. In 1980–1983 pea weevil was registered in Tatarstan, Bashkiria, in 2010–2012 - in the Kemerovo and Tomsk regions. From 2008 to 2018 there was an expansion of the range of this invader to the North up to the Arkhangelsk region inclusive.

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Concentrations of biogenic compounds in forest-steppe water bodies and streams inhabited by beavers (Castor fiber L.)- Katsman  E.A.,  Suzdaleva  A.L.,  Osipov  V.V.,  Bashinskiy  I.V.-The aim of the study is to assess concentrations of compounds of biogenic elements (nitrates, nitrites, ammonium, phosphates) and to analyze their distribution in water bodies and water courses of the forest-steppe, where beavers have been reintroduced recently. The study was carried out in the State Nature Reserve Privolzhskaya Lesostep (Penza Region). We studied beaver ponds, oxbows, inhabited by beavers, and also uninhabited streams. The concentrations of biogenic compounds in water were measured twice a year at the beginning and the end of summer. The results showed that, in general, all water bodies are characterized by an excess of threshold limit value (TLV) of concentrations for ammonium (TLV 2 mg / L, an excess in 76% samples) and phosphates (TLV 3.5 mg / L, 64%). Excesses were less common for nitrites (TLV 3.3 mg / L, 28%), and quite occasionally for nitrates (TLV 45 mg / L, 2%). Moreover, the differences between the concentrations of biogenic compounds in the water bodies inhabited by beavers and uninhabited reservoirs did not have statistical significance. Significant differences were observed only for types of water bodies, which was associated with their water regime. The presence or absence of beavers, as well as their density and abundance, did not lead to significant changes in the concentrations of nutrients. The studied water bodies were surrounded by territories with high level of agricultural impact, and under these conditions, the effect of beavers on the concentration of nutrients was not observed.

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Study of the invasion of the Parthenocissus inserta (Kern.) K. Fritsch. in floodplain forests of the Rostov oblast  - Kozlovskiy  B.L.,  Fedorinova  O.I.,  Kuropyatnikov  M.V.-Naturalization of woody lianas is a great danger to the forests of the Rostov oblast. Therefore, the aim of the work was to study the morphology, ecological and biological properties and the process of naturalization of Partenocissus inserta in oak forests. Studies were carried out in the Botanical Garden and in the west of the Rostov oblast in a floodplain oak forest at the confluence of the Mius and Krynka rivers. P. inserta is introduced into natural, semi-natural and disturbed communities and is also part of the city flora of Rostov-on-Don city. In forests, it is a sub-edificator of the herbaceous layer, where it dominates and forms stable simple synusias. This is the only representative of woody lianas in the oak forest. It rises along the trunks of trees up to a height of 15–20 m, fixing itself in the unevenness of their bark by the growing ends of antennae. It is competitor for the trees of the first tier for the light. This species changes the nature of the forest cenosis over a large area. The P. inserta naturalization strategy corresponds to the «Empty Niche» hypothesis.

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The invasions of the common vole sibling species - Malygin  V.M.,  Baskevich  M.I.,  Khlyap  L.A. -The review of own and literary data on invasions of sibling species Microtus from the group “arvalis” (East European, M. rossiaemeridionalis, common, M. arvalis and Altai, M. obscures voles) is given. It has been established two stages of invasions differing in duration which defined formation of modern ranges of these species and had an influence on evolutionary processes. The first stage is connected with agricultural development of Eurasia from the early Neolithic before broad plowing of lands in the second half of the 20th century. Expansion of the range in the northern direction after deforestation for plowing of lands and in southern one, as a result of irrigation of arable lands, is peculiar to all three sibling species. The second stage is caused by expansion of transport network and growth of traffic flows in the 20th century. The last is characteristic for M. rossiaemeridionalis. The natural and historical reasons of formation of a contact zone between M. arvalis and M obscurus are reconstructed. The original maps showing modern distribution of sibling species Microtus of the arvalis group are given, and the natural and historical factors that influenced the formation of their ranges are discussed.

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Spatial modeling of the range and long-term climatogenic dynamics of Ambrosia L. species in the Caucasus - Pshegusov  R.H.,  Chadaeva  V.A.,  Komzha  A.L.- The main limiting factors for living of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. in the Caucasus are the incoming solar energy flux in January (5250-5950 kJm-2day-1) and slope (0–17.5°). The limiting factors for A. trifida L. are wind speed in February (2–2.4 m/s) and the incoming solar energy flux in December (4400–4800 kJm-2day-1). In accordance with the predicted trends of climate change by 2050, it is possible to expect the expansion of the total area of potentially suitable for the species habitats by 1.95 (A. artemisiifolia) and 9.78 (A. trifida) times (20295.29 and 20295.29 km2). At that, the area of optimal habitats may increase by 2.48 and 11.78 times, respectively (9932.73 and 18914.11 km2), including the mountainous areas..

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Pseudodiaptomus marinus Sato, 1913 – new species of invasive copepod in the Black sea: first results of invasia-Seregin  S.A.,  Popova  E.V.- The data of 3-year observations of the abundance dynamics of micro-planktonic fraction of Pseudodiaptomus marinus – new alien copepod for the Black Sea – are presented. Seasonally the first juvenile stages of the species appears in the Sevastopol coastal waters in September. The maximum values were reached at different times: from the end of September to the end of November. Then abundance quickly drops. The presence of nauplius and copepodites in plankton suggests that the new species of copepods successfully reproduces in the Black Sea coastal waters. The total abundance of the invasive species is characterized by low values, which do not exceed in maxima 10 thousand. ind. m-3. The temperature is assumed to be one of the main factors in the regulation of interannual variability in the abundance of the invasive species.

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Tussilago farfara (Asteraceae) in the south of the Far East of Russia -Fedina  L.A.,  Kuprin  A.V.,  Ogorodnikov  E.M. - The paper provides information on the distribution of coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara L.) in the south of Primorsky Krai (the Russian Far East). It is established that in the study area the species is massively found along the roadsides and inhabits anthropogenic landscapes (gardens, abandoned fields, wastelands in cities and towns), and a single case of introduction into the forest biocenose on the territory of the Ussuri Nature Reserve is noted. According to the degree of naturalization, the species can be attributed to epecophytes, the self-renewal and naturalization of which is possible only among anthropogenic vegetation in disturbed and artificial habitats. It is necessary to continue monitoring of its distribution in the region to prevent the introduction into natural biocenoses.

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Expansion of the Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo L. 1758) to the north-west of Russia as a possibility of parasites distribution- Yakovleva  G.A.,  Artem'ev  A.V.,  Lebedeva  D.I. -The first data on the parasites of the Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) from the coast of Lake Ladoga are obtained. The parasite fauna of the Great Cormorant consists of 5 species: Cestoda (2 species), Trematoda (2 species) and Nematoda (1 species). Four species (Petasiger phalacrocoracis (Yamaguti, 1939), Petasiger radiatus (Dujardin, 1845), Paradilepis scolecina (Rudolphi, 1819), Contracaecum rudolphii (Hartwich, 1964)) are recorded in Karelia for the first time. The active expansion and number increasing of Great cormorants in the territory of Karelia could be a reason for epizootic caused by invasive parasite species.

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